SIS-G’s Business Intelligence, BIG DATA, and Predictive Analytics Practice
BIG DATA - Unstructured Data Integration - Data from Anywhere - Anytime

Business intelligence (BI) is the insight, skills, information, technologies, applications, practices and visual presentations derived from data and used by organizations to acquire a better understanding of its commercial context, strategic thrust, operating business model and level of accomplishment from a wide array of perspectives. Its purpose is to enable better business decision-making. Business Intelligence provides historical, current, and predictive views of business operations from low level atomic detail up to high level summary. Common functions of Business Intelligence are Reporting, On-Line Analytical Processing, Data Mining, Business Performance Management and Predictive Analytics.

SIS-G’s belief is that the ability to distribute and present relevant information is a significant enabler of organizational success in the future. Our strategy is to implement low cost, high performance, meaningful Business Intelligence applications that enable clients to visualize what is real and respond with more profitable business decisions.

By virtue of the deep business analysis roots of our consultants (MBAs, CPAs), SIS-G has reduced Business Intelligence cost and increased quality by implementing semantic reporting layers with adequate metadata that support essential standardized report distribution and regulatory compliance, as well as productive ad-hoc query. We have provided added value to customers, vendors and partners by implementing large extranet reporting capability.

We are positioned to continue rollout of increasingly faster and more visual and predictive analytical applications, while reducing cost further, by deploying automatically upgraded Information-as-a-Service (IaaS) Business Intelligence applications running in a cloud computing environment. We can embed analytics in operational systems, relating visualization of long term trends to daily activity. These capabilities are enhancing the leadership position of SISG’s Business Intelligence Practice and our Client’s ability to react quickly to daily threats and opportunities.

Predictive Analytics Solutions Suites and Packages
Predictive Analytics - Hi ROI Solutions and Analysis Patterns

Predictive Analytics permits the proactive use of any actionable data for decision-making including BIGDATA. BIGDATA is defined as any data type and any Volume, Variety, and Velocity, that flows thru the various business domains. Let the data do the talking and enhance the domain experts abilities and contributions.

Also offered are advanced techniques such as Data Mining including HADOOP BIGDATA analysis and Integration, Monte Carlo simulation, regression analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and correlation studies, which can aid clients in anticipating future scenarios, and creating strategies in advance, to address dynamic opportunities and challenges. Electric and Gas Utilites smartGRID and Automated Meter Infrastructure applications, Insurance, and banking industries for example can take advantage of these advanced SISG capabilities.

LInks Predictive Analytics Overview

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